An Initial Liquidity Offering (ILO) is a method of distributing tokens directly to participants, ensuring immediate liquidity and active engagement within the platform. TELECOM is using this approach to distribute its utility tokens, which are essential for accessing various services within the Universal Telecommunications Ecosystem.
1. Download MetaMask: Visit [MetaMask] to download the extension for your browser or the mobile app.
2. Set Up Your Wallet: Follow the instructions to create your MetaMask wallet and securely save your seed phrase.
3. Obtain Your Wallet Address: Copy your MetaMask wallet address.
4. Purchase TELECOM Tokens: Visit [TELECOM] and click the "Buy Now" button. Complete the purchase form and correctly input your MetaMask wallet address in the Notes section.
5. Receive Tokens: Your TELECOM tokens will be transferred to your MetaMask wallet within 72 hours.
6. Import Tokens:
• Click on the "Tokens" tab within Metamask, then scroll down to the bottom and click "Import Tokens."
• Click the custom token tab. Enter the TELECOM token contract address, symbol, and decimal places. The token contract address is 0x61373bF96f8dA6954158647F8c1338425dDEf471. The token symbol is TELECOM with 18 decimal places.
• Click "Add Custom Token" and then "Import Tokens" to see your TELECOM tokens in your wallet.
7. Liquidate Your Tokens and Cash Out:
• Click on the SWAP tab above. Follow instructions.
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